Race Coverage

Minnesota Pros Do Oceanside 70.3...



ED. Minnesota Pro triathletes Ted and Dani Treise raced at Oceanside 70.3 last weekend. On Facebook, they posted these comments:

Dani’s words:

70.3 Oceanside Recap

Happy to get the first race of the season under my belt and place 11th this weekend in a star-studded field!

It’s always a bit of an unknown but this year especially. New gear and a new headspace. I focused on staying calm and finding the joy in being out there - which was tough in 56 degree water and equal was chilly air temps at the start!

Swam with the group I planned on and was thankful for feet to follow in the blinding sun.

Fumbled through T1 with numb hands and feet but managed to ride with @nmf005 for the first half of the bike. I lost the connection at some point and couldn’t quite bridge back up, but this was an improvement from the last time we faced off and she biked 10 minutes faster than me!

I’m most proud of my run - my fastest one to date!

More consistent training and fewer injuries definitely makes a difference!...

I love racing in California (and sneaking in a visit to @tamalamabingbang and @unclejill!) and as painful as these races are, I just love the opportunity to try to get the best out of myself. On to the next soon!

ED: Dani's Place: 11th female pro. Splits: S - 28:53 - B - 2:43:49 - R - 1:26:44 - Finish Time: 4:45:46


Ted’s words:

100% my favorite race on the circuit - Oceanside 70.3.

This year I came away with 25th overall in stacked field. Felt like I gambled as much as possible on the bike working through groups and saved what I could for run.

In all, this was a great assessment of fitness and from here @tilburydavis and I can plan our next move. As always, huge thank you to my people below and everyone who followed along on Saturday. Love you all!

Thank you for all the support!

ED. Ted's splits: S - 26:37 - B - 2:16:32 - R - 1:19:31 - Final time: 4:07:33
